Clean + Simple Glazed Chicken and Vegetables

I decided to whip up a super simple chicken and vegetable dish for dinner tonight, and to my taste buds surprise it turned out pretty great. I will admit that I am not a cooking expert by any means, but these past couple of months my cooking skills have definitely improved (patting myself on the back here) and I wanted to share this recipe with you - it turned out to be a nice success (and boyfriend approved!)

For this recipe you will need:
(2 servings)

- Snap peas or Asparagus 
(I used snap peas because it is what I had; asparagus would definitely work too!)
- Carrots
- One large tomato
- 1 lb. of Chicken Breasts or Tenderloins
- 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar (optional)
- 1/4 cup of Honey
- 2 tbsp Soy sauce
- 4 tbsp Frank's Hot Sauce
(more or less depending on how much heat you're going for.)
- 2 tsp Minced Garlic
- Pinches of Salt & Pepper

Start by prepping your veggies and place to the side. Start creating your glaze/sauce for your chicken in a separate bowl. Mix together the honey, apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, hot sauce, garlic and S&P. Stir until all honey is mixed in nicely. Take your raw chicken and cut into slices at your discretion - keeping them as tenderloins works too. Place all pieces of chicken into your sauce and let marinate for 15 minutes.

After marinating, place chicken on your frying pan on medium high heat. Make sure to pour the remainder of your sauce into your pan. Once the chicken is cooked, remove from heat and set to the side. Scoop out all remaining sauce in your pan and place to the side as well - you'll need it soon!

Place all vegetables into your pan on medium high heat. Cook until peas/asparagus are bright green and all veggies become firm. Once ready, place chicken back into your dish. If you wish, pour the remaining sauce (that you set to the side) back on to your chicken. This helps you to get the most flavor and gets a nice glaze going.

Let it all simmer for a couple of minutes, and then dig in!

Super simple, delicious tasting, and guilt free eating with clean ingredients.


xox, Nicole

1 comment

  1. This sounds absolutely delicious! I think I would like to try this. Seems easy enough xx Thanks for sharing! Alicia x
